How exciting!! I'm so motivated by your work, thank you and I look forward to seeing more!

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Thank you, Una! Let me know if there's a format in particular that you're curious about! :)

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What a refreshing perspective, Stefy. I’ve always thought that giving a map in subjects like maths or literacy is a much better way to go about it. Rather than keeping kids guessing on what’s the next step, when these paths have been travelled many times before. I’m curious if you’ve come across any brilliant case studies where schools have turned cities into learning scavenger hunts. I’m imagining a Pokemon Go for Education.

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Hi Kobus! Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful reply! It's funny you ask because one of my current projects involves creating a scavenger hunt in my city. What specifically makes you curious about turning cities into learning scavenger hunts? Feel free to share your questions with me, and I'll do my best to address them in an upcoming edition :)

A couple of things I've recently tried are https://questoapp.com/ and https://www.geocaching.com/play/mobile. Are you familiar with any of these?

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I've experimented with this approach in the classroom using Classcraft, which turns lessons into gamified quests. https://www.hmhco.com/programs/classcraft

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Looks very interesting! What's a fun quest that you've created?

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